Representation - Ethnicity

Representation of Ethnicity
Ethnicity, is defined by a set of genetic and cultural characteristics. 
- Representation of ethnicity in the media can consist of rigid stereotypes that are similar to gender portrayal. 
- There is a need for a more accurate portrayal of the diversity of different races is a priority for political agendas. 
- In recent years, the success of actors such as Denzel Washington, Whoopi Goldberg, Laurence Fishburne and Morgan Freeman in a diversity of roles has meant that black characters in movies and on TV are no longer 'stock' types. 
- However, there are many negative representations of black people, portrayals which seem deliberately designed to inflame the fear and hatred of other cultures - how positive a representation is the archetypal African-American gangsta? 

Common Representations of Ethnicity
African descent
- Gangster
- “Token black guy’’
- Impoverished
- Criminal
- Victim
- Hero

Asian Descent
- Intelligent
- Martial artist
- Obsessed with electronics
- Quirky or weak
- Lack emotion
- Women can be seen as ditzy in some cases
