
Key Words
- Convention - signs and codes that are conventional to a genre.
- Sub genre - A sub genre is under a main genre for example within television crime drama there will be groups of shows that share similar conventions.
- Genre variation - Different genres and how a film might use genre conventions (conform) or go against them (subverts).
- Genre repetition - Repeating codes and conventions to conform to genre.
- Hybridity - When a film blends themes or elements from two or more genres - for example, rom coms.
- Intertextuality - Process of where you refer to one media text and another.
- Enigma code - something that happens that we do not understand that draws us in.

- Generic convention - the rules followed to create moving image within a genre, for example, blood in horror

Horror conventions - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre trailer
- Flashbacks / real stories
- Creepy music

- Look of fear
- Sound effect of heart beating 
- Close ups 
- Fading transitions
- Abandoned house
- Crying
- Screaming
- Victims
- Look of fear
- Sound effect of heart beating 
- Close ups 
- Fading transitions
- Abandoned house

- Blood
- Ghosts
- Victims
- Look of fear
- Sound effect of heart beating 
- Close ups 
- Fading transitions
- Abandoned house
- Creepy pictures
- Loud bangs
- Setting - dark
- Stereotypes about teenagers 
- Deserted / in the middle of no where
- Rusty props

- Panting 
- Devils
- Creepy characters (doll)
- Spy whole
- Flash transition

- Running
- Noises after visuals have ended - unexplained visual and noises

- Enigma code - something that is created by the filmmaker to deliberately confuse the audience, making them ask questions.
- Characters are white
- Sudden loud noises (outburst)- 'True story'
- Unexplained noises after visuals have ended
- Violent weapons
- Cellars 
- Useless police
- Quick speed of editing 

Suberting Horror conventions - Paranormal Activity
- Set in a regular house, not necessarily spooky

Key Genres 
- Action - The Flash, Umbrella Academy
- Adventure - Rick and Morty, Dora the Explorer
- Comedy - Big Mouth, Come Fly With Me
- Drama - Greys Anatomy, Luther
- Documentary - Blue Planet, Sunderland Til I Die
- Fantasy - Vampire Diaries, Game of Thrones
- Historial - Horrible Histories, The Crown
- Thriller - Stranger Things, Homeland
- Western - West World, Godless

Crime Dramas
Television crime drama is a sub-genre of the television drama genre and usually focuses on the commiting and solving of a crime.

The defining features of the genre are CHARACTERS, SETTING and NARRATIVE.

There are two kinds of TV crime dramas, with important distinctions between them. 
One-off crime dramas tend to focus on the kinds of crime that create the most anxiety among the viewing public. E.g. Murder and serial killing
Long running TV crime dramas will have a variety of sub-plots over time that help build relationships between characters.

Enigma code - put within a media text to confuse audiences, making them ask questions which they want answered. This makes audiences continue watching!
Red herring - piece of information or clue that is misleading.

The Wire - Codes and conventions 
- Began with slow paced, but sped up as the narrative progressed - conventional 
- Shot-reverse-shot

- Interrogator wearing a suit, connoting authority- conventional
- Suspect wore clothing associated with lower class - conventional

Enigma: audience don't know what the suspect did, or why the criminal is so angry
- Conforming stereotype of criminals being mixed race/black - conventional
- Challenges stereotype of white supremacy (black detectives and police)

- Location of police station and office - conventional
- Interrogation room - conventional


  1. A good introduction to Genre! Remember your set texts will both come under the 'Crime Drama' genre, which is a hybrid genre.

    What is the purpose of hybrid genres? Please respond below.

    Miss C

    1. Hybrid genres blend two genres in to one (such as romantic comedy - rom-com). This allows two separate themes to be in one media text, such as Friends (rom-com), which allows the audience to experience both romance within the characters as well as humour.

    2. Hybrid genres blend two genres in to one (such as romantic comedy - rom-com). This allows two separate themes to be in one media text, such as Friends (rom-com), which allows the audience to experience both romance within the characters as well as humour.


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