Homelearning - The Wire

How does The Wire use generic codes and conventions of a crime drama within the opening of the program? How do these help to attract the interest of the audience? 

The Wire uses costumes in a conventional way to conform generic codes of a crime drama. An example of this is how the interrogator is wearing a suit and tie. This connotes authority and control against the victim. This affects the audience because it displays the interrogator's power as his clothes indicate someone of a higher class.
The Wire also uses representation to conform conventions and generic codes of crime dramas. An example of this is how the suspects are mixed race/black. This conforms the typical stereotype of a black person which affects the audience because the black skinned criminals in the clip demonstrate how society depicts dark skinned people as criminals and of lower class.


  1. This is a 10 mark question.

    Really nice paragraphs here, however it would be ideal to write 3 paragraphs for a 10 mark question. It IS possible to get 10 marks with 2 paragraphs, however they must be very well developed points.

    8/10 - well done!

    Miss C

    1. Okay thank you. Will make sure to do 3 paragraphs.


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